
Our meetings are mostly held on the fourth Saturday of the month, from 9 h 30 to 12 h.

The meeting takes place at the « G.C.  KONTAKT » house (room nr.1)  54,  Avenue Orban in 1150 Woluwé-Saint-Pierre (Brussels).

This house is only few minutes away from the underground station “Stokkel” (Metro Line 1, terminal) .

The schedule of the meeting is: miscellaneous announcements, presentation of new editions from foreign countries, (presentation of a members collection) and the monthly auction.

HOWEVER, due to the rather limited attendance, we have decided to hold our meetings ONLINE from now on.

WELCOME to our upcoming meeting

ONLINE with ZOOM on FEBRUARY 22nd at 10am !!!

(all our members will receive by e-mail an access code a few days before the meeting)