The magazine “L’Entier Postal” appeared for the first time in January 1936, published by the “Associations des Collectionneurs d’Entiers Postaux” (Paris).
From 1938, the journal was published in collaboration with “La Société d’Etude de l’Entier Postal” in Brussels.
The edition is suspended during the years 1940-1945.
In 1946, publication resumed (5th year of publication).
From April 1946 it is also the journal of the “Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Poststukkenverzamelaars”.
In February 1947 the Belgian circle became the “Société Belge de l’Entier Postal”.
In 1969 the printing process and the format change and the collaboration with the Dutch circle ends.

In the document below we have listed, in alphabetical order, all the articles published (with indication of the redaction year, followed by the page number).
On request our MEMBERS can obtain, at cost price, photocopies (all in French only)
from our Librarian Kurt LAMBRECHT.
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